Episode Summary:
In this episode, Matt Legge sits down with Ken Ware, founder of the Australian NeuroPhysics Therapy Institute to discuss the intricacy of neuromuscular education and movement therapy.
The conversation dives deeply into the relationship between the nervous system and one’s extrinsic environment, and how calibrating the nervous system to one’s external environment can create profound adaptation and resilience in rehabilitation and athletic performance.
Ken details the scientific framework that he has developed in working with thousands of clients over his 30 years of clinical experience, which has made the NeuroPhysics Institute and it’s practitioners world-renowned for their capacity to engage lasting change in their clientele.
Dive into this episode to learn more about movement than you’ve ever known before, and be sure to check out Ken’s wealth of knowledge below…
Website: https://www.neurophysicstherapy.global/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ware.ken1/
Episode Timestamp:
0:00 to 1:45: Podcast Intro
1:45 to 6:00: Ken’s Powerlifting + Bodybuilding Career, Hormesis Curve
6:00 to 11:00: Stress Response + Adaptation, Ken’s Postural Methodology
11:00 to 15:45: Motor Sensory Input, Psychological Implications of Musculature
15:45 to 24:45: Nervous System Regulation, Prefrontal Cortex, Anterior Cingulate
24:45 to 35:00: Innate Stress Responses, Calibrating Self, Perception, Action
35:00 to 45:00: Neuroplasticity, Biomechanics, Neural Inputs, Adaption
45:00 to 52:00: Musculoskeletal Regeneration, Motor Engrams, Pain Stimuli
52:00 to 1:10:00: Musculosketal Rehabilitation, Normalizing Musculature
1:10:00 to 1:15:00: Enhancing Brain Function, Extrinsic Environment
1:15:00 to 1:20:00: Podcast Outro
Guest Bio:
Matt Legge: Matt Legge is a world-class naturopath and formulation expert. He brings more than 20 years of clinical experience as a Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, and nutritional medicine and food therapist to his work with Phyba. Matt has served as the Director of Innovation for ATP Science, responsible for developing new product formulations, new ingredients and further advancing the science and education behind natural health and wellness systems. He is also an expert in performance management for elite athletes and everyday athletes.
Ken Ware: Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy was founded upon innocent paradigm shifting discoveries that Ken Ware made back in 1982, relating to the extreme sensitivities there are surrounding the intrinsic relationship the human nervous system has with its environment. He observed that because of this extreme sensitivity, very tiny influences could cause a major up or down shift in the psychophysical stability of the system.
He independently learned how to exploit this knowledge in terms of overcoming complex disease and disorder, the maintenance of our psychophysical health and wellbeing, as well as propagating elite athletic performance.
His valuable discovery had assisted him to eventually become Mr. Universe in 1994. He was honoured to receive her Majesty’s ‘Australian Sports Medal’ in 2000 for his contribution to the development of the sporting culture in Australia. However what was really driving him all the while was his unbridled desire to develop a unique form of psychophysical therapy, based upon his discovery that could assist people from all walks of life to enhance the quality and function of their lives and be in control of their future mental and physical health and wellbeing [and] change the world view on the human beings system ability to selfheal under the rights sets of conditions.
Because of the uniqueness of his discovery he was able to recognize significant fundamental flaws in how human beings and the vital perceptional relationship they have with their environment was being viewed by medical science and even the many philosophical based modalities. He endeavoured to develop a tamper proof methodological that when applied would assist 100% of the people 100% of the time without excuses – not some of the people some of the time as was the case with everything else. By the early nineties he had developed a Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy program that was outperforming all other forms of therapy. This evolved into taking up residency in a private hospital in 1995 because of the profound benefits people with mental and physical pathologies obtained from this unique form of therapy, along with those seeking to enhance athletic performance.
By 2002, he had developed a scientific framework and rationale for Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy, which explained how and why the therapy worked and why it was so successful compared to all other methods, conventional and non-conventional. He regularly presents at international scientific conferences and symposiums on developments and research arising from his work at The Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Institute, located on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. In 2018, he was invited onto the scientific committee and asked to present a keynote presentation at the ‘International Neurology and Brain Disorders Conference’ held in Rome, June 4-6.
Ken has globally famed Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy through his unprecedented accomplishments with his patients who travel to see him from all over the world. These accomplishments have attracted credible media exposure which has accelerated the global knowledge and respect of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy and consequently the global demand for therapy. Ken’s dream is to have a large number of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy practitioners trained and educated and practicing all over the globe to enable many more people in the world to access this unique results producing therapy.
Key Definitions:
Motor Neuron:
Overall, motor neurons (or motoneurons) comprise various tightly controlled, complex circuits throughout the body that allows for both voluntary and involuntary movements through the innervation of effector muscles and glands. The upper and lower motor neurons form a two-neuron circuit.
Hormesis is a characteristic of many biological processes, namely a biphasic or triphasic response to exposure to increasing amounts of a substance or condition. Within the hormetic zone, the biological response to low exposures to toxins and other stressors is generally favorable.
Pre-Frontal Cortex:
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the area of the brain that is anterior to, or in front of, the motor cortex. It is most commonly associated with executive functions: cognitive processes that involve controlling short-sighted behavior to act with a goal in mind.
Anterior Cingulate:
Accounts of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) have highlighted its role in fundamental cognitive processes, including motivation, decision making, learning, cost-benefit calculation, as well as conflict and error monitoring.
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